Category Archives: North Hatley Communications

What is FANHCA?

FANHCA – Friends Amis North Hatley – is a coalition of citizens from various walks of life who, like you, care about our village and its quality of life. Like you, we want to see North Hatley thrive but we also want to preserve its unique character. 

That’s how we started: we began in the fall of 2014 with a petition asking that the proposed Laliberté development be scaled back to an acceptable size and designed in a harmonious architectural style. We recognized the need for development but, lacking a vision for our village, a master plan, we also wanted a responsible administration to oversee the appropriateness of the project. 

The 350 signatures on that petition allow us to keep in touch with you and to share news and concerns pertinent to our community – a diverse community of young families and seniors, of year-round residents and summer folk, private citizens and merchants. We’re francophone, anglophone and a mix of other cultures as well. But together we enjoy a common thread: the love of our village. 

As well as occasionally organizing activities and events (the 130, trois & beau petition and its follow-up a year later, and the Dreaming North Hatley exhibition), FANHCA is primarily a community forum that brings people together – the people who will bring about the positive changes we collectively want to see in North Hatley.

FANHCA wants to hear what’s on your mind. We invite you to comment in French or in English on posts on this site or, if there’s something that you want to discuss, please send your text (preferably but not necessarily in both languages) to [email protected]. Texts should be concise, to the point, informed and respectful. We do not edit texts but we do approve before publishing. 

Please share this with your family and your neighbours. Those not on our list can sign up to receive FANHCA posts in the column on the right of this page.

Finally, it’s important that all of us are active in the community. As you are able, please get involved!

Thank you!


Un mot de notre maire .. ?

(English follows)

Dans l’attente de la publication éventuelle, en tout ou en partie, de l’avis juridique sollicité par le directeur général de la municipalité sur l’importance de fermer la plage en l’absence de surveillance, le moulin à rumeur continue de se faire entendre sur les fondements réels de votre décision.

Malgré deux réunions publiques très animées du conseil, malgré le dépôt d’une pétition de 500 noms, malgré les allégations selon lesquelles le maire a donné de fausses raisons pour justifier cette fermeture, le maire, les conseillers et, semble-t-il, le directeur général, maintiennent fermement leur position sur le bien-fondé de leur décision, décidés à faire la sourde oreille aux souhaits des citoyens.

Des nombreuses conversations citoyennes entendues autour de cette impasse, l’une plus persistantes s’impose: celle qu’il doit y avoir autre chose derrière l’interdiction de l’utilisation de la plage publique et cela porte à spéculer sur ce que le Conseil cache réellement dans sa manche.

Et la spéculation n’est qu’une des conséquences lorsqu’il y a une absence totale de communication. Cette question de la plage pose aussi celle d’agir en tant que communauté, d’impliquer les citoyens en amont avant que des décisions ne soient prises, d’élargir plutôt que de restreindre le rôle des bénévoles et d’informer adéquatement les citoyens sur ce qui se passe dans l’administration de leur village.

Toute communauté fonctionne mieux lorsqu’il y a un leadership qui fait en sorte que les questions importantes ne se voient pas occultées par des problèmes mineurs qui font boule de neige et qui, au final, distraient l’administration des questions et décisions majeures auxquelles elle doit s’attaquer. Ce qui se passe actuellement fait aussi écran à d’autres situations en suspens pour lesquelles notre village, distrait lui aussi, oublie de maintenir la garde.

Nous devons avoir des nouvelles de notre maire. Nous avons besoin de communiquer réellement sur tous les sujets auxquels notre communauté est confrontée: le projet de développement, la tour de communication, le pont de la ville et, oui, la plage.

Monsieur le maire, nous avons besoin que vous preniez le leadership du dialogue avec les citoyens, maintenant et régulièrement. Nous devons mettre un terme à la spéculation, à l’incertitude, au manque de direction, à la langue de bois et à ce silence inacceptable.

Brian Merrett

Les opinions exprimées sur ce site Web reflètent celles de leurs auteurs. L’espace est offert à titre de service à la communauté et FANHCA, ses administrateurs et son hébergeur ne peuvent en aucun cas être tenus responsables des opinions qui y sont émises.

A word from our Mayor .. ?

As we await the possible release of some or all of a legal opinion solicited by the Director General regarding the Town’s decision to close the beach when there is no supervision, the rumour mill continues to churn.

Despite crowded, vocal public Council meetings, despite a 500-name petition, despite allegations that the mayor has given false reasons for the closures, the Mayor, Council and, it seems, the Director General steadfastly maintain that their decision will prevail; the wishes of the citizens are pushed aside.

In numerous conversations amongst citizens that surround this impasse, one of the most consistant conclusions is that there must be something else behind shutting people out of using the public beach. And that suggestion leads to speculation as to what Council has up its sleeve.

And speculation is only part of the problem when there is a total absence of communication. Beyond the issue of the beach, only one example,  are the questions of acting as a community, of involving citizens before decisions have been taken, of expanding (rather than reducing) the role of volunteers, of accurately informing citizens of what is going on in their village.

And a community works best when there is leadership, without which important issues are not dealt with. Minor problems develop into major unresolved issues, distracting the Mayor and Council from the important issues and decisions which it ought to be tackling, while obscuring other issues that have been left unattended and that continue to burden our village.

We need to hear from our Mayor. We need communication on all the topics confronting our community: the development project, the communications tower, the town’s bridge and, yes, the beach.

Mr Mayor, we need you to speak to the citizens, now and regularly. We need to put speculation, uncertainty, lack of direction and unacceptable silence to rest.

Brian Merrett

The opinions expressed on this website are those of their authors. Space on the website is provided as a service to the community and FANHCA, its administrators and host cannot be held responsible for any of the opinions expressed thereon.