Back at it!

The following commentary on the November 13th Meeting of Council was submitted by Paul St-Pierre. It was sent as well to the Mayor and all councillors. Only one councillor, Pauline Farrugia, has replied and her answer follows.

FANHCA is publishing this now, just prior to the December 4th meeting, in the hope that more citizens will become aware of the processes of Council and will participate in them. 

FANHCA encourages, as well, those candidates who were unsuccessful in the recent election to monitor the activities of those elected to Council in the seats for which they were running, to question activities that need questioning, and to report their concerns and findings to the citizens.

– The administrators.

On the agenda of last Monday’s meeting (13 November 2017) of the North Hatley Town Council were two items concerning the replacement of the bridge on Main Street, in the heart of town. The work will take place in 2019, most likely over a period of five months, and the solution as to how traffic (and fire trucks) will cross from one side of town to another during the work still has not been decided. The items on the agenda were based on a study by EXP, paid for by the town (16,300$ authorized for a study of the ‘visual signature’ of the new bridge) and did not include the further costs of putting the electrical and other wires in the bridge itself (evaluation by EXP authorized for 20,100$ in a different study – and, apparently – this will surprise no one – extremely costly; the mayor, however, has refused to divulge the estimated amount relating to the electrical and communication wires). The two items on Monday’s agenda were technical in nature, and residents of the town were not given access to them before the meeting. But it would appear that the town is applying for certain ‘upgrades’ on the standard bridge, paid for by Transports Québec (Ministère des transports, de la Mobilité durable et de l’Électrification des Transports). These ‘upgrades’ would amount to 400,000$! The hope is that the ministry will pay for these, and, if not, that grants will (but most likely only partially) cover them.

There are at least two issues here. The money involved – with no indication of how much of our money Council is willing to spend if the ministry does not come through. But even more importantly, whether the population of the town even wants such upgrades, is willing to spend money on them, has other ideas about what could be done, etc.

Yet again, a major project affecting everyone in North Hatley is being undertaken without proper consultation. The EXP study on which the ‘upgrades’ are being based was completed mid-May 2017. There has been ample time, if Council had thought it necessary or desirable, to call a public meeting on the issue, to inform the public properly, and to ask for feedback. But no, the members of Council – the old Council, four of whom, along with the mayor, sit on the new Council – have not seen fit to do this.

For my part I have had enough of this paternalistic approach, in which Council seems to assume that it knows best and can decide on its own. Wherever did it obtain such a mandate? None of the candidates indicated in her/his campaign material the position she/he would take on this major project, and only one even mentioned it. Council needs to realize that all residents and property owners have a stake and an interest in the town’s future, and it needs to take as its guiding principle, in such major projects, that residents and property owners need to be involved as collaborators in the elaboration of such projects.

– Paul St-Pierre

The opinions expressed on this website are those of their authors. Space on the website is provided as a service to the community and FANHCA, its administrators and host cannot be held responsible for any of the opinions expressed thereon.


Chers amis / chères amies de North Hatley

Comme vous pouvez le voir, nous avons posté une nouvelle photo en tant que bannière sur notre page. Nous essaierons de faire régulièrement tourner les photos avec des images qui représentent notre très beau village, alors continuez à les envoyer à [email protected]

Veuillez noter un autre critère: la bannière est très horizontale – très large et pas très haute. Donc vos images doivent être choisies dans cet esprit et, en les soumettant, vous acceptez de nous permettre de les recadrer aux proportions de la bannière.

Nous vous remercions!

Les administrateurs


Dear Friends / Amis of North Hatley

As you can see, we have posted a new photo as our page banner. We will try to rotate the photographs regularly with images that represent our most beautiful village so please keep them coming to [email protected]

Please note one other criterion : the banner is very horizontal – very wide and not very high. Your images should be chosen with this in mind and, by submitting them, you agree to allow us to crop them to the banner’s proportions.

Thank you!

The Administrators



(English follows)

Chers amis / chères amies de North Hatley

FANHCA est à la recherche d’une nouvelle photo de bannière pour sa page Web et nous invitons nos lecteurs à fournir des photos que nous pouvons changer de temps en temps.

La photo représentera notre beau village et son harmonie avec les environs, en respectant le passé et en regardant vers l’avenir.

Quelques lignes directrices:

– la photo peut être de n’importe quelle saison;
– il ne devrait pas montrer des personnes reconnaissables;
– il ne doit pas dépasser 1 Mo (vous pouvez généralement réduire une grande photo dans votre application de messagerie);

Veuillez envoyer votre soumission à [email protected]

La date limite est le 15 décembre 2017.

Nous vous remercions!

Les administrateurs



Dear Friends / Amis of North Hatley

FANHCA is looking for a new banner photo for its web page and we are inviting our readers to provide photos that we can change from time to time.

The photo will depict our beautiful village and its harmony with the surroundings, respecting the past and looking to the future.

Some guidelines:

– the photo can be of any season;
– it should not show recognizable people;
– it should be no bigger than 1 MB in size (you can usually reduce a large photo in your email application);

Please send your submission to [email protected]

The deadline is December 15, 2017.

Thank you!

The Administrators.

la voix du village the voice of the village