Category Archives: North Hatley Communications

Fondation Massawippi Foundation – Annual General Meeting

Please join us for the Annual Meeting of The Fondation Massawippi Foundation and the Fiducie de Conservation Massawippi Conservation Trust at 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 30, at the Town Hall Community Centre.

As Margot Heyerhoff, chairperson of the foundation, has said, this promises to be more than an annual meeting; we need advice and direction as we consider the best interests of the Massawippi Valley.

We will talk about new and potential properties, existing and proposed trails (and how many is too many), how we respond to the record number of acres being changed from green to white  zoning and the conservation implications, how aggressive we should be in seeking out and acquiring properties and will engage in early conversations a strategic framework for the future, including funding the work in perpetuity.

We will also discuss our community work and the direction of that work as we pursue our vision of a green and prosperous Massawippi valley.

We will not be making final decisions but rather opening the conversation to a wider audience.

The foundation and the trust belong to all who love this place, and we need to hear from all of our family. supports volunteer-based organizations working for the citizens of North Hatley. Please support these organizations. Thank you!

Picasso au MBAM

(English follows)

Au musée des beaux-arts de Montréal


Venez avec nous pour une visite guidée de cette exposition.  Une façon agréable de décrocher du quotidien.  Invitez vos amis de Montréal.  Ils profiteront de nos guides exceptionnels.  Il s’agit simplement de nous en aviser.

Mardi, le 10 juillet.  Départ de la bibliothèque à 8h15.  Coût: 80 $ – autobus, entrée du musée et visite guidée.

Inscrivez-vous!  Par courriel, par téléphone (842-2110), ou à la Bibliothèque.

Susan Gwyn

Bibliothèque – North Hatley – Library soutient les organisations bénévoles qui travaillent pour les citoyens de North Hatley. S’il vous plaît soutenir ces organisations. Merci! 

Picasso at the MMFA

At the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts

From Africa to the Americas : PICASSO FACE-TO-FACE , PAST AND PRESENT

Come with us to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts for a guided tour of this exhibition.

Tuesday, 10 July.  Cost: 80 $ – Bus, museum entry and guided tour.

Invite your Montreal friends to join us.  Our guides are always wonderful.  Just let us know, please.

Sign up now, by e-mail, by telephone (842-2110) or at the Library.

Susan Gwyn

Bibliothèque – North Hatley – Library supports volunteer-based organizations working for the citizens of North Hatley. Please support these organizations. Thank you!