All posts by Administrator
Margot Heyeroff to Speak at/parler à COP15
Chers amis et voisins,
Nous sommes fiers d’annoncer que nous avons été invités par l’Association Corridor appalachien (A.C.A.) à présenter notre histoire à la conférence COP15, le 15 décembre.
C’est un honneur d’avoir été choisi parmi les 17 membres affiliés de l’A.C.A. pour prendre la parole à la conférence sur la biodiversité à Montréal lors de la journée consacrée à la promotion de l’importance d’agir pour le Sud du Québec auprès des municipalités (et des villes) pour accélérer la conservation dans le Sud du Québec.
Pourquoi c’est important de participer ? Dans les mots de Mélanie Lelièvre, directrice générale de A.C.A.
“C’est LA rencontre de la décennie sur la biodiversité. Ça se passe à Montréal. Le gouvernement va prendre des engagements ambitieux. Il faut qu’on se fasse entendre sur des solutions pratiques à déployer pour le sud du Québec et éviter ce qui s’est passé avec la cible du 17% (presque tout dans le Nord du Québec).”
Dear Friends and Neighbours,
We are proud to announce that we have been invited by Appalachian Corridor Association (A.C.A.) to present our story at the COP15 conference,on December 15th.
This is an honour to have been chosen among 17 affiliate members of A.C.A. to speak at the Biodiversity conference in Montreal during the day dedicated to promoting the importance of taking action for Southern Quebec with municipalities (and cities) to accelerate conservation in Southern Quebec.
Why is it important to participate? In the words of Mélanie Lelièvre, Executive Director of A.C.A. “This is THE meeting of the decade on biodiversity. It is taking place in Montreal. The government will make ambitious commitments. We need to make ourselves heard on practical solutions to deploy for southern Quebec and avoid what happened with the 17% target (almost all in northern Quebec).”
Santa Shop at The North Hatley Elementary School
Hello Parents & North Hatley Friends!
Our Santa Shop will be open once again this year!!
We are looking for donations and are hoping to collect small items such as:
- Candles
- Hand cream
- Hair elastics
- Nail clipper sets
- Hand towels
- Oven mitts
- Decks of cards
- Socks
- Etc…
If you are able to donate anything, even 1 item, it would be greatly appreciated!!!
Donations of gift bags, bows, ribbon, tags and tape are also happily welcomed.
Each child will have the opportunity to pick two items from the Santa Shop which will be wrapped for their loved ones. The items could be decorative, household, children’s toys, candles, figurines, the choice is up to them!
Please submit your donations on or before December 9th. The Santa Shop will be open for business on December 14th and each class will have the opportunity to visit the Santa Shop throughout the day. The children love personally selecting a special surprise gift all on their own!
Thanking you in advance for your participation and Happy Holidays!
The North Hatley Home & School Committee
If you would like the items picked up please call Alarey Alsip at 514-952-1470