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MRC Meeting Update – English Version

Dear Friends,
At the public consultation held on January 8, 2015 regarding project 13-14 amending the floodplain zone of North Hatley, the MRC agreed to post on its website the briefs presented. In fact, a written request must be submitted to obtain digital copies, while paper copies are available (with the necessary delays) for a fee.
We decided, therefore, to post these four highly informative briefs (a must read!). Please see links below. They were presented by:
1. Hugh Gwyn, PhD in glacial geology, researcher, professor and consultant in hydrogeology, who demonstrates, using scientific data, maps and historical pictures that the revised map proposed by the MRC is technically inadequate, shows a lack of scientific rigor and could give rise to serious urban planning mistakes.


2. Michael Grayson, a member of the Quebec Order of Engineers with a diverse background in urban and regional planning, who demonstrates through historical and scientific analysis, complete with pictures, that the flood zone allows the evacuation of excess water during periods of intense flooding. Back filling the site for development would eliminate this historic overflow safety valve.


3. Nicole Benoit, PhD, professor and head of a graduate program at the University of Sherbrooke, who raises environmental, human and economic concerns surrounding a residential project in a flood zone, while underlining the importance for elected officials to adapt future policies in light of climate change.


4. René Doucet, attorney, who cites the Civil Protection Act (Chap.S-2.3) which aims to protect persons and property against disasters, including floods, and calls on the MRC to specify how it intends to implement this law. He examines the consequences of climate change and stresses the need to undertake a serious study of the risks associated with the construction of a housing complex in the flood zone.


You can help the cause by reading the briefs, sharing them with others and addressing your comments and questions directly to the Memphremagog MRC at [email protected].
Due to the time frame given by the MRC for the submission of briefs by the public and the technical nature of the briefs, they were prepared in French only.

MRC Public Consultation / Consultation publique 8 Jan 2015

To all concerned about the imminent MRC ruling on the flood plain and its implications with respect to the proposed development in the core of North Hatley.

The MRC is holding a public consultation meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 8th at the MRC, 455 rue MacDonald (near the Vieux Clocher), in Magog.

At this meeting, the Comité d’aménagement will decide whether or not to adopt the revised flood plain map submitted by the Village of North Hatley or to send it back for revision. As you know, this ruling will determine what construction, if any, will be allowed in the flood plain zone. We believe that the revised flood plain map does not take into account important factors, including among others, elements relating to climate change.

FANHCA encourages North Hatley residents to be present at this critical meeting at which briefs will be presented in an attempt to show that the current flood plain map is flawed and should be revised.

Thank you.

À tous ceux qui sont préoccupés par la décision imminente sur l’adoption de la nouvelle carte de la zone inondable et son impact sur le projet de développement dans le cœur du village de North Hatley.

La MRC tiendra une consultation publique le jeudi 8 janvier 2015 à 18 h 30 dans ses locaux situés au 455 rue MacDonald à Magog (près du Vieux Clocher).

Lors de cette réunion, le Comité d’aménagement décidera si la carte révisée de la zone inondable soumise par le village de North Hatley devrait être adoptée ou envoyée pour révision. Comme vous le savez, cette décision déterminera si de nouvelles constructions dans la zone inondable seront permises ou non. À notre avis, cette carte ne tient pas compte d’éléments importants liés, entre autres, aux changements climatiques.

FANHCA encourage tous les résidents de North Hatley d’assister à cette réunion importante à laquelle des présentations seront faites dans le but de démontrer que la nouvelle carte est inexacte et devrait être renvoyée pour révision.
