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Pétition – Commentaires / Petition – COMMENTS

SVP signer la pétition ! / Please sign the petition!

– The other day a very large truck had to come into my lane to maneuver a curve on Capelton Road – not an intersection just a small curve – he almost hit me in my vehicle and cyclists. In the winter another large truck was not able to make the hill on 108 just leaving NH and started rolling backwards – again very dangerous and finally a gas truck could not navigate the corner from Capelton to 108 right in the heart of the village. It’s not safe.

– We live on Rue Capelton aka Route 108 and the trucks drive so fast and recklessly that we are actually afraid to cross the street to get our mail. On top of that, they are loud and wake us up very early in the morning, and sometimes in the middle of the night.

– For many years out neighbour and we have put small SLOW signs at our front gardens, because the traffic (especially trucks in a hurry) often is fast and doesn’t stop for pedestrians at the crossing where the sidewalk changes side in chemin Magog. With small children frequently using this crossing in the spring and summer months this is a real problem and could easily cause a major tragedy. Please reduce the speed limit into the village and restrict large vehicles “passing through.”

– Reduction of number of especially 18 wheelers, including loggers, which take this road to avoid scales. This for speed, noise and safety

– Heavy trucks have no business in downtown North Hatley. When someone gets hurt, which is inevitable, the Town will wish it had acted sooner to ask the province to exclude certain large heavy trucks from travelling on Route 108 (Capelton Road and Magog Road). Please act quickly to stop this type of truck traffic

– Évidemment, il faut devoir traverser le chemin Magog pour aller à l’eau, ou l’emprunter pour aller au village comme le font à tous les jours mes filles de 10 et 13 ans, à pied et en bicyclette, pour comprendre l’importance de ces demandes raisonnables et importantes. As a father, I shouldn’t have to worry about the speed of the cars or the size of the trucks in a small, beautiful village like ours when my two daughters, 10 and 13, ride their bikes to go to the park or to the tennis club. But I do, every day when they leave the house. Please listen to us.

– strongly support this petition regarding new regulations on Rt. 108 through the village

– I live on the corner of Vaughan and Capelton. Hundreds of bicycles cross at that intersection (including families with small children). Considering the speed with which vehicles (trucks, cars and motorcycles) descend the hill, it is a miracle that nobody has been killed.

– Between the noise from large trucks, motorcycles, speeding cars, something needs to be done.

– Reducing speed is unlikely to be effective without enforcement measures. I support such measures, both for the village and for the Township.

– make the route through NH as undesirable as possible for truck traffic in order to maintain the tranquility of this town.

– My family of 4 are US citizens from Massachusetts and have been vacationing every summer in our family cottage at 4200 Magog Road for over 60 years (until COVID). Along with all our neighbors there, we are definitely negatively affected by the truck traffic through town along Magog Road. Noisy, dirty, and unsafe, the trucks impact our enjoyment there daily. We respectfully urge you to enact and enforce controls to eliminate the unnecessary truck traffic.

– This situation is also a problem on our side of the river compounded by the hill causing more engine breaking noise. We must stop conversations while trucks are passing. Speed of all types of vehicles continues to be concerning with new families with young children now living here on rue Sherbrooke. Only trucks necessary for village commerce should be permitted.

– M. le maire,

– This action is long overdue. There are many children now cross these roads as a result of a shift of their parents working from home and spending more time in their cottages or homes. Having trucks barging down country roads is dangerous and detracts from the value and experience of the town.

– chemin Capelton – I would love to see a similar petition to reduce the speed on Capelton to 70km/hr outside of the village. The speed of traffic is often above the 90km/hr limit, and there is increasing pedestrian and cyclists use of the road (not to mention the continued presence of deer). The 90km/hr speed limit does not reflect the changes in use of the road in the past 20 years (many more residential addresses; many more cyclists).

– Initiatique parfaite Deuxième pétition à cet égard!! C’est une question de sécurité!!!!!

– Réduire la vitesse

– La répétition des plaintes depuis des années confirme le malaise profond installé au sein des citoyens du village quant à leur sécurité ainsi que celle des piétons et cyclistes. J’ai pu voir de nombreuses manœuvres dangereuses de camions et d’automobilistes impatients mettant la sécurité de tous à grand risque sur ce chemin étroit; attendre signifie risques d’accidents et de morts potentielles. Il est temps d’agir et de prendre la responsabilité sérieusement d’une réalité envahissante non seulement dans les déplacements quotidiens mais aussi du bruit infernal des camions qui circulent. On doit prendre des actions concrètes rapidement et ce sans grands investissements. Merci d’appuyer activement cette initiative.

– As a summer resident and avid bicyclist, Route 108 has become over the years of a dangerous and noisy road. Trucks should use the new much larger and safer Rte. 410.

– The roads are a mess from the trucks and my car has been damaged from the pot holes that have not properly been filled. The trucks speed through town and are unsafe and disturb the community.

– Having a cottage, in North Hatley, I agree that this current situation need to change

– Thank you, this is vitally necessary and long overdue. It would be even better to reduce speeds on all roads in the village to 30 km/h as did Ste. Catherine de Hatley and as is customary in residential areas worldwide. Thank you!

– Reroute the damn trucks! It’s a danger for my young children!

– .. at the junction of ch. Magog (108) and ch. Université .. the noise generated from trucks speeding along the 108 towards North Hatley is unbearable.

– La route 108 passe par un quartier très résidentiel de North Hatley, ayant des deux cotes des maisons familiales. Ces camions sont tres bruyants et dangereux et, lorsqu’il existe une alternative valable, il est inadmissible que ceux-ci roulent dans le village. SVP imposez-donc un nouveau parcours. La qualité de vie en sera très ameliorée.

– It is terrifying to witness the speed at which some trucks come careening down the hill to barely come to a screeching halt at the sign. There should definitely not be any through traffic of heavy trucks through North Hatley.

– it is more than about time this very serious and dangerous situation be addressed I AM ALL IN!

– I am fully devoted to this cause If I can contribute in any way, I will.

– Keeps the trucks off route 108

– It is critical to stop the onslaught of trucks coming into our village. Noise, speed & safety

– Way too many trucks, not just 108, but especially those using 143 instead of 55. Most Quebec municipalities have reduced maximum speeds to 40 on major thoroughfares, and to 30 on minor streets.

– There is significant truck traffic on our steep road as well.

– The narrow and winding road with insufficient width allowances for pedestrians and cyclists is unsuitable and dangerous with current fast-moving commercial truck traffic and the noise and exhaust disrespects the bucolic nature of the Village of North Hatley.

– Beaucoup de camions passent. La vitesse des véhicules devant notre maison est beaucoup trop grande. C’est dangereux de sortir de chez nous. 40 km/h serait indiqué

– These trucks threaten the beauty, tranquility and uniqueness of North Hatley. They are an obscene presence and should not be allowed to pollute the air and disturb the peace.

– Why designate a one of “Les Plus Belles villages du Québec” a truck route?

– Oui. Il est temps que ce beau village retrouve un minimum de paix.

– La sécurité et la qualité de vie des résidents et résidentes est primordiale.

– Reduce number of trucks passing through village

– it is crazy to have huge trucks zooming down the streets of a lakeside village

– Traffic on our section of Route 108 with houses and driveways on both sides is particularly dense – the roadway is narrowed by cycling lanes on both sides, no room for sidewalks; there are also municipal garages on both sides,; a fire station; a church; the main village parking lot; the Farmers market traffic on Saturday; the cycling lane on both sides of the road which bikes must share with joggers, walkers and their dogs and/or kids; a crossing for bikes and pedestrians into the parking lot; a commercial garage; and all of this near a curve which blocks sight lines to the intersection at the lake, with a park, Magog Rd and Main (bridge to village centre) just beyond the curve. And many motorcycles use this road to come into our village, and locals exit and return by this road to commute to our nearest big towns, Sherbrooke or Magog. Putting an 18-wheeler or any large truck into this mix is sheer recklessness.. We need to insist that this section of route 108 is not safe for large trucks. Local deliveries to the grocery store must be allowed, but speed limits must be reduced.

– Too many big trucks rushing along our street

– Yes! I have lived on the road for almost 50 years & the situation is dire with no sidewalks, increasing bike, pedestrian traffic. Heavy, large trucks & speeding cars, motorcycles in the mix are a recipe for predictable accidents.

– Bonne chance avec nos marionnettes politiques. Ils ne sont pas concernés par nos inconvénients. La meilleure solution est d’établir un péage pour les véhicules lourds qui ne font que passer par North Hatley. 5.00 par camion ou attendre 15 minutes. Ils vont faire le détour… Time is money…

Too Many Trucks Petition / Pétition Trop de camions

Too Many Trucks Petition – please sign!

Dear Readers

The Too Many Trucks petition has drawn 130 signatures to date and we thank those who have signed. It is encouraging that the concerns regarding noise, speed, trucks and safety are shared by so many in our neighbouring communities. 

But, to paraphrase Robert Swann on the threat to the planet (re climate change), “The greatest threat .. is the belief that someone else will save it.” 

What is needed now is a door-to-door engagement with neighbours to ensure that the maximum number of supporters sign the petition. Perhaps hand-deliver to a door near you a written note asking that they sign the petition and mention the website

On June 7th at the Meeting of Council we hope to be able to present a formal request to the Mayor and Council of both North Hatley and the Canton de Hatley.

Thank you!

– Team Fanhca


Pétition Trop de camions – veuillez signer!

Chers lecteurs

La pétition Trop de camions a recueilli 130 signatures à ce jour et nous remercions ceux qui l’ont signée. Il est encourageant de constater que les préoccupations concernant le bruit, la vitesse, les camions et la sécurité sont partagées par un si grand nombre de nos communautés voisines.

Mais, pour paraphraser Robert Swann sur la menace qui pèse sur la planète (concernant le crise climatique), « La plus grande menace… est la croyance que quelqu’un d’autre la sauvera. »

Ce qu’il faut maintenant, c’est un engagement porte-à-porte avec les voisins pour s’assurer que le nombre maximum de partisans signe la pétition. Peut-être remettez-vous en main propre à une porte près de chez vous une note écrite leur demandant de signer la pétition et de mentionner le site Web

Le 7 juin, lors de la réunion du conseil, nous espérons pouvoir présenter une demande officielle au maire et au conseil de North Hatley et du canton de Hatley.


– L’équipe Fanhca

PÉTITION – trop de camions / PETITION – too many trucks


(English follows)

La Route 108 – Bruit – Vitesse – Camions – Sécurité

Vous pouvez aider à changer les choses.

La situation actuelle :

  • North Hatley est une destination touristique, et est désigné comme l’un des plus beaux villages du Québec.
  • Route 108 (chemins Capelton et Magog) du village est utilisé par un nombre important de cyclistes et de piétons (parents avec enfants/poussettes, piétons avec chiens, …). On y retrouve d’ailleurs, des habitations des deux côtés.
  • La vitesse permise sur la portion de la Route 108 qui traverse le village est de 50Km/h, une limite que très peu respectent et trop élevée pour un village.
  • Un nombre élevé de poids lourds passent à travers le village. La portion de la Route 108 qui traverse le village est étroite et sinueuse et n’est pas conçues pour des véhicules lourds pouvant circuler a 50km/h. Ajoutons aussi que ces poids lourds font un usage fréquent de leur frein moteur (ce qui est très bruyant).
  • Malgré les améliorations apportées à la Route 410, notre village est-toujours une route de camions.

Notre demande :

Nous demandons aux autorités du Village de travailler à mettre en place les mesures suivantes :

  • Réduire la vitesse sur la Route 108 dans le Village (incluant la portion du Canton de Hatley) a un maximum de 40km/h et faire installer des radars photo ;
  • Travailler avec le Ministère des transports afin de trouver des solutions constructives afin de réduire le nombre de camions qui traversent le village ;
  • Mettre en place la signalisation appropriée pour signaler à tous les véhicules que les freins moteurs sont interdits sur tout le territoire du village (incluant la portion du Canton de Hatley) ;
  • Au moyen de signalisation comme le marquage et les bollards améliorer la sécurité des piétons et cyclistes ;
  • Travailler à réduire de façon significative le bruit relié à la circulation. 

Nous demandons que les habitants du Village soient mis au premier plan au lieu de prioriser la circulation automobile de passage. 

(N.b. : Cette pétition ne vise pas l’élargissement de la route, ni de changements importants à sa configuration, mais les points ci-dessus.)

Que pouvez-vous faire :

  • Signer cette pétition
  • Contacter votre Hotel de ville pour demander que les choses changent. Plus il y a de plaintes plus la ville va bouger.
  • Partager avec vos voisins.

Merci! – L’équipe FANHCA


Route 108 – Noise – Speed – Trucks – Safety

You can help to make a difference

Current situation:

  • North Hatley is tourist destination and designated one of Québec’s most beautiful villages.
  • Route 108 (Capelton and Magog Roads) in the village road is used by a large number of cyclists and pedestrians (including parents with children/trolleys, pedestrians with dogs, etc.). There are houses on both sides of the road.
  • The speed allowed on 108 through the village is 50 km/h, a limit that very few respect and is too high for a village like North Hatley.
  • Many heavy trucks pass through the village. The portion of 108 that crosses the village is narrow and winding and not suitable for heavy vehicles that can travel at 50km/h. Let us also add that these trucks often use of their engine brakes (which is extremely noisy).
  • Despite the expansion of Route 410, our village is still a truck route. 

Our request:

We ask the Village authorities to work to put in place the following measures:

  • Reduce the speed on Route 108 through the Village to a maximum of 40km/h (this includes the Canton de Hatley portion) and install photo radars;
  • Work with the Ministry of Transport to find constructive solutions to reduce the number of trucks passing through the village;
  • Put in place appropriate signage to signal to all vehicles that engine brakes are prohibited throughout the village (including the portion of Canton de Hatley);
  • Improve the safety of the pedestrians and cyclists by implementing road markings and bollards;
  • Work to significantly reduce traffic noise.

We ask that the citizens of the village be heard and prioritized, not the passing vehicles.

(This petition is not about widening the road, or making significant changes to its configuration, but about the above points.)

What you can do:

  • Sign the petition.
  • Contact your town hall and ask that things be changed. The more signatures, the more commitment to action.
  • Share with your neighbours.

Thank you! – Team FANHCA