Timeline of Events: North Hatley and the Laliberté Project


Between March 19, 2012, and May 15, 2012: Québec Inc. 9059-4979 (Richard Laliberté, major shareholder) acquires lots 4 029 061(Ladouceur’s), 4 029 066 (Dion’s), 4 029 070 (Hardware store), 4 029 074 (Finding’s), located partially or completely in the flood zone in the center of North Hatley, for a total amount of $1,017,000.

May 7, 2012: Payment to Services EXP for the PPU (Programme particulier d’urbanisme [Special Planning Program]) and management of the flood zone ($5,012.91).

August 6, 2012: The Town Council of North Hatley allots $2,000 to partially fund a competition, involving professors and students from McGill University and Université de Montréal, to produce suggestions for the development of the center of the village (the flood plain, over to the marina). Following this, certain students in Urban Planning at McGill are given a mandate by the Economic Development Committee, a committee set up by the Town Council, to prepare a master plan for the entire village. Proposals are for two- and three-storey townhouses.

September 7, 2012: Production of a map of the flood zone by Services EXP. This map is somewhat different from the one contained in its study dated June 3, 2013, in particular in relation to the 0/20 portion of the flood zone.

October 5, 2012: Québec Inc. 9059-4979 (Richard Laliberté) acquires the Emily LeBaron Park from the Village Improvement Society (a non-profit organization). The sale ($81,200) is carried out by the board of the organization, without consulting its members. The Park constitutes the most valuable asset of the organization.

December 3, 2012: With a view to the development of the flood zone in the heart of the village, the Town Council of North Hatley mandates Services EXP to do an impact study of the flood zone and Christian de Passillé (Ecce Terra) to make a topographical survey of the zone.


March 25/28, 2013: Initial presentation by Richard Laliberté of his project to the Town Council, and to the Economic Development Committee.

April 2, 2013: Payment to Ecce Terra Arpenteurs Géomètres by the Town Council of North Hatley for a topographical map of the areas bordering on, and of the flood zones of, Lake Massawippi and of the Massawippi river  ($12,630.01).

April 2, 2013 and May 6, 2013: Payments to Services EXP (totalling $14,655.01) for the study of the flood zone.

April 3, 2013: Following the presentation by Mr. Laliberté to the Economic Development Committee on March 28, the proposal is presented to Committee on the Environment, a committee set up by the Town Council, which decides to prepare a detailed evaluation of the Laliberté project.

June 3, 2013: The study by Services EXP, including a map redefining the limits of the flood zone in the heart of the village, is completed. It will be tabled at the August 5, 2013, meeting of the Town Council of North Hatley.

July 2, 2013: The Town Council of North Hatley agrees to a private sale to Mr. Laliberté of the land on which the municipal garage is situated; Mr. Laliberté asks the Town Manager to obtain an evaluation of the fair value of the land.

July 29, 2013: Michael Grayson and Paule Obermeir present the evaluation by the Advisory Committee on the Environment of the Laliberté project to the working meeting of the Town Council.

August 5, 2013: The study of the flood zone by Services EXP is tabled at the Town Council meeting.

August 5, 2013: Payment to Services EXP for the study of flood zone ($3502.45).

August 5, 2013: The Town Council of North Hatley adopts a by-law excluding lots in zones C2 and C3 (the zones in which the lots acquired by Mr. Laliberté are located) from the application of the fees for parks (if lots are subdivided, 10% of the value of the original lot must normally be paid as fees for parks).

August 21, 2013: A smaller version of the Laliberté project – reduction of the number of units from 300 to 230 (150 senior apartments, 80 condominiums) – is presented to the Advisory Committee on the Environment. This follows presentations in the week of August 12 to the Economic Development Committee and at the end of July/beginning of August to the Town Council.

August 28, 2013: Meeting on the Laliberté project organized by the Town Council of North Hatley. Numerous citizens of North Hatley attend the meeting, but the plans of the project are not presented and little information about the project is provided.

October 1, 2013: The Town Council of North Hatley accepts the offer of $75,000 from Mr. Laliberté to acquire the land on which the municipal garage is located, conditional on the presentation of the overall plans of the project, or of a physical or virtual model of the buildings that are planned. The sale has not yet been finalized.

October 23, 2013: Richard Laliberté acquires in his own name lot 4 090 460 (Mrs LeBaron’s), for the amount of $1,000,000.

November 11, 2013: Results of the municipal elections: the present mayor and councillors are elected. One councillor resigns in May 2014 and the seat is filled in October 2014. Another councillor resigns in May 2015; the seat has not yet been filled.


February 3, 2014: The Town Council of North Hatley asks the MRC Memphrémagog to exclude the lots belonging to Mr. Laliberté from certain norms relating to flood zones.

February 5, 2014: Québec Inc. 9059-4979 (Richard Laliberté) acquires lot 4 029 063 (The Mill), for $420,000. The different lots acquired by Mr. Laliberté in the flood zone amount to approximately three-and-a-half acres.

February 5, 2014: Meeting between the members of the Comité consultatif d’urbanisme et de patrimoine (Urban Planning and Heritage Advisory Committee) and developer Mr. Richard Laliberté.  Mr. Laliberté presents his proposal for development in the center of the village.

March 3, 2014: Agreement in Principle between the Town Council of North Hatley and developer Richard Laliberté (A translation of the agreement is annexed to this Timeline).

April 2014: Action North Hatley is set up by some twenty founding members, following the Agreement in Principle of March 3. Action North Hatley asks the Town Council of North Hatley for greater transparency and to provide more information about the Laliberté project.

July 7, 2014: Services EXP is mandated to complete a PPU conditional on the approval of the modification (redefinition) of the flood zone by the competent authorities.

July 7, 2014: Services EXP is mandated to evaluate the residual capacity of the existing water and sewer systems.

August 7, 2014: Public meeting organized by Action North Hatley to present information about the Laliberté project and to make known the citizen’s concerns about the project. Some 150 people attend the meeting.

August 24 and 30, 2014: Information days organized by the Town Council to provide Mr. Laliberté with an opportunity to present his project. The planned 150 apartments are no longer planned specifically for seniors. Of the hundred or so answer sheets that are filled out, approximately 50% state that the project is too large.

September 8, 2014: At the meeting of the Town Council of North Hatley, Jane Meagher presents, on behalf of FANHCA (Friends Amis North Hatley Canada), a petition containing more than 292 signatures; the petition asks that the project be limited to 130 units and a maximum height of three storeys. In total, the petition will gather 352 signatures.

October 15, 2014: The map of the flood zone in North Hatley, produced by the MRC  Memphrémagog and accompanying proposed regulation 13-14, modifying the MRC’s Schéma d’aménagement [Development Plan], is presented. This map is based on the study by Services EXP (June 2013).

October 16, 2014: A notice is posted on the website of the MRC Memphrémagog announcing that a public consultation on proposed regulation 13-14 will be held in its offices in Magog on January 8, 2015.

November 3, 2014: Payments to Services EXP are authorized by the Town Council of North Hatley for the PPU and the management of the flood zone, as well as for a study of the capacity of the water and sewer systems ($3,707.95). (See July 7, 2014, for the mandate given Services EXP; with regards the PPU the mandate was conditional on the modification (redefinition) of the flood zone being approved by the competent authorities; this approval had not yet been obtained on November 3.)

December 1, 2014: At a meeting of the Town Council of North Hatley, the Town Council confirms the mandate of the MRC Memphrémagog to proceed with coordinating the development of a Plan de gestion (Management Plan) for the flood zone and authorizes Services EXP to complete the preparation of the PPU.


January 8, 2015: Public consultation by the MRC Memphrémagog on proposed regulation 13-14, modifying the Schéma d’aménagement [Development Plan]. Some sixty people are present. Four briefs in opposition are presented:

1. Hugh Gwyn, “Révision de la carte A2-7a Schéma d’aménagement révisé, Municipalité de North Hatley”

2. Michael Grayson, “Mémoire  présenté au Comité d’aménagement MRC de Memphrémagog”

3. Nicole Benoît, “Mémoire sur les vulnérabilités environnementales et sociales”

4. Bleu/EverBlue Massawippi, “Mémoire et commentaires sur le projet de règlement 13-14 présenté à la MRC de Memphrémagog et au Village de North Hatley”

January 12, 2015: Payments to Services EXP for the PPU and management of the flood zone ($538.08) and for a study of the capacity of the water and sewer systems ($6,180.20)

January 20, 2015: René Doucet presents to the MRC Memphrémagog a brief in opposition entitled: “Mémoire adressé à la MRC suite à la consultation du 8 janvier 2015”.

February 2, 2015: A sub-committee of the Town Council is formed to determine the steps to be taken in relation to the project and to submit its conclusions and recommendations to the Town Council; the committee is made up of three councillors, with the town manager and the building inspector as resource persons.

March 3, 2015: Hughes Ménard, town planner for the MRC Memphrémagog, presents a report to the Executive Committee of the MRC. He notes, in relation to the Plan de gestion [Management Plan] for the flood zone in North Hatley: “The municipality will need to adopt a PPU (Programme particulier d’urbanisme).  … After which, the PPU will be integrated into the Plan de gestion for the flood zone. Between now and the adoption of the PPU by the municipality, the MRC will work on preparing aspects of the Plan de gestion in relation to the environment, the economy and public safety.” [Translated from the original]

April 13, 2015: The Town Council of North Hatley mandates Services EXP to carry out a study to establish an additional margin of safety taking the effects of climate change into consideration in the determination of the heights to which future buildings in the flood zone will need to be flood proofed ($3,500).

April 13, 2015: The Town Council of North Hatley retains the services of Me Roland Veilleux (for an amount of up to $10,000), given the different regulatory steps which will need to be completed in relation to the management of the flood zone and to any construction projects to be undertaken in it.

April 13, 2015: The Town Council of North Hatley mandates the MRC Memphrémagog to begin work required for the management of the flood zone, in particular to change the course of the Kezar stream.

May 4, 2015: The Town Council of North Hatley decides to abolish parking fees in the municipal parking lot adjacent to where the Laliberté project has been proposed, giving up yearly net revenues of more than $25,000.

June 10, 2015: Members of ANH (Action North Hatley) and FANHCA (Friends Amis North Hatley Canada) meet with lawyers in Montreal and Longueuil to discuss legal options in relation to the development of the center of North Hatley.

Annex: Extract of the minutes of the meeting of the Town Council of North Hatley held March 3, 2014 [Translated from the original]:


WHEREAS the developer Mr. Richard Laliberté has deposited preliminary sketches of the overall plan annexed to the present document;

WHEREAS the project is located close to the municipal parking lot;

WHEREAS a request was presented on January 22, 2014, by the developer;

WHEREAS the total area of the project is approximately 15,370 m²;

WHEREAS the developer presented a selection of images showing architectural perspectives dated January 22, 2014;

WHEREAS there have been presentations at working meetings between the developer and the CCUP and the Town Council;

WHEREAS following these meetings, the Town Council has shown an interest in this project;

WHEREAS to realize this project it is necessary to modify town bylaws and to obtain the approval of citizens and of the appropriate authorities, if necessary;



THAT the present resolution constitutes on the part of the Town Council an expression of interest in the project being realized, subject to the approval required for changes in the different town bylaws;

THAT the Town Council accepts the following principles in a plan particulier d’urbanisme as presented in the sketches, without, however, authorizing encroachment on land belonging to the municipality;

THAT the maximum number of residential units will be 230, without increasing the footprint of the buildings;

THAT the architectural perspectives be observed, other than for building ‘C’, which must be modified according to the proposal by the developer dated February 26, 2014, so as to reduce the impact of the length of the building through the use of materials, colours, slight set backs in the facade so as to give the appearance of several separate buildings;

THAT the maximum footprint of all the buildings be 7,685 m², that is 50% of the total area of the project and that a minimum of 25 % of the area be reserved for green spaces;

THAT the maximum height permitted for the buildings does not exceed 5 storeys;

THAT the maximum living space for a fifth floor be 2,480 m² or 32% of the footprint;

THAT the number of parking spaces on the project site be:

− For the building for autonomous seniors, 0,5 spaces per unit;

− For the commercial premises, 0 spaces per business;

− For the other residential units, 1,2 spaces per unit.

THAT the layout plans be prepared by a surveyor at the developer’s expense showing all the setbacks, encroachments on land belonging to neighbours and to the municipality;

THAT the detailed plans and perspectives be approved by the Town Council and presented by the developer to the citizens of North Hatley for public consultation in the form of an “Open Door Meeting” as provided for under the consultation policy;

THAT commercial use be limited to local businesses and to professional services;

THAT the whole of the project be governed by the stipulations of by-law No. 2008-524 “Agreement relative to municipal work” and to the necessary governmental authorizations;

THAT the project is conditional of the approval by the Town Council of a plan particulier d’urbanisme for the sector as a whole.


The opinions expressed on this website are those of their authors. Space on the website is provided as a service to the community and FANHCA, its administrators and host cannot be held responsible for any of the opinions expressed thereon.

Lettre de M. Michael Munkittrick

Le 13 mai 2015

Suite à la réunion du conseil municipal du 4 mai 2015, j’ai fait réflexion sur ma participation comme conseiller de la municipalité de North Hatley et j’ai pris la décision de remettre ma démission en date du 12 mai 2015.

Lors de sa réunion de lundi dernier, le conseil municipal a pris la décision d’abolir le stationnement payant, et sans doute le poste de préposé au stationnement, ce qui représente un tournant majeur dans les politiques de la ville.  Cette décision a été prise avant même que le processus de consultation avec le comité d’urbanisme et de planification (CCUP), les résidents et les constituants majeurs tels que M. Piercy propriétaire de la marina, n’ait été finalisé.  Je crois que nos coûts pour le pavage, l’éclairage, les postes de paiement, etc. se sont élevés à plus de 200 000 $ et l’expropriation des terres était probablement encore plus que cela.  Présentement, les coûts annuels pour le déneigement, le balayage au printemps, la peinte des lignes, l’éclairage etc. sont déjà sur le dos des contribuables.

Pendant 48 ans, j’ai dirigé maints projets de collecte de fond et avec l’aide, autant physique que financière, d’amis et de la communauté j’ai vu à la concrétisation de ces projets.  Les collectes de fond annuelles des cinq dernières années, entre-autres le show d’antiquité, le déjeuner “pancakes”, la course de la Fête des mères, la vente de garage, et la soirée méchoui & danse ont généré des bénéfices annuels de 20 000 $ à 250 000 $.  Il y a trois ans, j’ai joué un rôle instrumental dans la collecte de 60 000 $ pour l’achat de la propriété des terrains de tennis.  Malheureusement, je ne peux continuer à vouer de mon temps à de telles activités alors que le conseil municipal se permet de  renoncer à des revenus nets de 25 000 $ à 30 000 $.  De payer 1 $ pour une heure ou 5 $ par jour de stationnement pour visiter un des plus beaux villages du Québec n’est pas prohibitif!

C’est pourquoi,  après mûre réflexion, j’ai présenté ma démission.  J’ai ni l’intention de poursuivre mon opposition à la nouvelle direction du conseil, ni d’être associé d’aucune façon que ce soit à la décision d’abolir le stationnement payant.

Je tiens à remercier le conseiller Normand Jolicoeur pour avoir soutenu mon opposition su stationnement gratuit.  Je tiens à remercier également mes avis et les citoyens qui ont soutenu sans cesse mes efforts pour rendre notre communauté un endroit meilleur pour nos enfants et pour fournir des services de loisirs pour les adultes aussi.  Aux électeurs, je dis merci d’avoir eu confiance en moi au cours de mes quatre termes comme conseiller municipal.


Michael Munkittrick
Conseiller représentant de La société récréative de North Hatley (NHRS), du Service d’incendie (RIPI),
du Centre communautaire et du Comité consultatif d’urbanisme et de planification (CCUP)

Les opinions exprimées sur ce site Web reflètent celles de leurs auteurs. L’espace est offert à titre de service à la communauté et FANHCA, ses administrateurs et son hébergeur ne peuvent en aucun cas être tenus responsables des opinions qui y sont émises.

Letter from Michael Munkittrick

May 15, 2015

Citizens of North Hatley

Following the meeting on May 4, 2015, I have taken some time to reflect on my participation as councillor with the Municipality of North Hatley and made the decision to submit my resignation May 12, 2015.

The decision taken, at last Monday’s public meeting, to eliminate paid parking, and probably our parking attendant was a major turn in the town’s policies. Inadequate consultation with residents, urbanism and planning, and major constituents, such as Mr. Piercy’s marina’s operation, was never completed. I believe that our costs for tourist services (supervised parking, washrooms, tourist information, and free concerts, etc.) should be shared with the users.  Costs for paving, lighting, pay machines, etc. amounted to over $200,000 and the expropriation of the land was probably even more than that.  As it is, annual costs of snow removal, sweeping in spring, painting lines, lighting etc. now are all falling on the tax payers.

For 48 years, I have led fundraising projects and called on my friends and the community in general to help physically and financially to see these projects to completion. Fundraising in each of the last 5 years from the pancake breakfast, Mother’s Day Run, antique show, garage sale and michoui dinner/dance have yielded profits of $20,000-$25,000 annually. Three years ago I was instrumental in raising, $60,000 for the purchase of the tennis courts. In all, I cannot continue to devote my time for these events when council can give up $25,000-$30,000 net revenue. Asking $1 per hour or $5 for the whole day to visit one of the most beautiful villages in Quebec is not prohibitive.

Therefore after careful consideration, I am submitting my resignation from this council effective May 12. I do not intend to stand in the way of the new direction of council nor do I wish to be associated, in any way, with the decision made. I would like to thank Councilor Normand Jolicoeur for supporting my opposition to free parking.

At this time, I would like to thank my friends and citizens who have continually supported my efforts to make our community a better place for our children and provide recreational services for adults as well. As voters, I would like to thank you for putting your trust in me over my 4 terms as councilor.


Michael Munkittrick

Council representative for North Hatley Recreation Society(NHRS), Fire Department (RIPI), Community Center, Urbanism & Planning (CCUP)

The opinions expressed on this website are those of their authors. Space on the website is provided as a service to the community and FANHCA, its administrators and host cannot be held responsible for any of the opinions expressed thereon.

la voix du village the voice of the village