Mener un village comme une école primaire…

(English follows)

La situation actuelle que nous vivons autour de la gestion de la plage ne cesse d’étonner, voire d’exaspérer. L’administration municipale semble avoir été investie depuis ce printemps, du devoir de prendre en charge, de  manière coercitive et paternaliste, ses citoyens adultes et matures quant à leur sens des responsabilités sur la question de la sécurité à la plage. Depuis quelques mois, cette dernière multiplie les signes d’autorité en retirant la mission de la plage à une association de bénévoles qui gèrent les destinées de cette dernière depuis 50 ans.

Dès l’origine cet endroit fut confié à des adultes responsables avec la mission de préserver et de gérer cette plage à des fins de loisirs nautiques. 

À un certain moment, cette plage fut clôturée. Par qui et pour qelles raisons? Certains bénévoles de la société récréative nous ont rappelé que l’érection de cette clôture visait surtout à protéger les enfants de la proximité de la rue ou d’empêcher les voitures d’accéder à la plage. Quelle qu’en soit la raison, cette clôture comporte des portes qui, par le passé, restaient ouvertes à tous les adultes qui avaient besoin de cet accès au lac pour conserver leur santé physique et mentale ou pour pique-niquer.

Depuis peu, cette clôture fait office de barricade pour restreindre l’accès et pour s’assurer que les usagers aient payé leur juste part. Plus question dorénavant à quiconque d’avoir accès à la plage, résidents inclus, en dehors des mois et des heures décrétés durant la saison chaude par les autorités municipales. 

Rappelons que la société récréative, responsable depuis 50 ans de cette plage, a géré les lieux sans incident pendant tout ce temps et qu’elle en a perdu la gestion après mésentente avec la municipalité sur de nouvelles règles de sécurité et de tarification jugées excessives mais non négociables. L’administration évoque ad nauseam les restrictions faites par l’assureur. Or, voici un extrait de ce qu’en dit réellement l’assureur dans un courriel adressé à la ville le 10 mai 2018 dernier et obtenu par Paul St-Pierre : 

«  Bonjour M. Bélisle,

« Comme discuté par téléphone, il n’y a pas d’obligation de clôturer un  site près d’une plage. Par contre, la municipalité devrait vérifier et analyser pourquoi celle-ci avait clôturé le site à l’époque, pour quelles raisons.

« Si la municipalité décide d’enlever la clôture ou bien laisser la porte ouverte en tout temps, vous devriez mettre en place des moyens afin de protéger votre municipalité dans le contexte où des personnes pourraient se baigner en dehors des heures de surveillance. Vous devriez interdire la baignade en dehors des heures de surveillance et informer adéquatement le public. Parmi les moyens d’informer le public, nous vous conseillons notamment d’effectuer de la prévention en publiant des communiqués dans les journaux locaux, sur votre site internet et dans les dépliants touristiques. »

Cette réponse montre clairement que les assureurs proposent à la municipalité des moyens qui n’obligent en rien à quelqu’actions coercitives concernant la sécurité. Elle propose plutôt des avenues simples et sensées pour que la municipalité puisse être conforme à son devoir de sécurité que cette clôture soit en place ou non. Plus d’un exemple existe ailleurs au Québec, d’avis, de consignes ou de recommandations qui dégagent les  administrations municipales des responsabilités « en dehors des heures où les enfants nécessitent généralement une surveillance supplémentaire à celle de leur parents ». 

L’entêtement municipal tient plus à une attitude où le citoyen n’a pas la maturité suffisante pour se gérer lui-même. Comme à l’école ou dans un foyer de personnes en carence d’autonomie. Pire on peut lui mentir et s’imaginer qu’il finira par se calmer et se taire.  C’est insultant !

Deux séances de conseil n’ont pas permis d’obtenir de réponses aux questions et objections formulées par de très nombreux citoyens de plus en plus offusqués de la situation. Toujours la même objection de la part du maire, le seul à prendre la parole : pas le choix, ce sont les assurances et le gouvernement! On aura tous compris que cette raison ne tient pas et que la municipalité le sait depuis maintenant plus d’un mois. Alors pourquoi évoquer encore cette restriction des assurances? Que cache cette démotion des bénévoles?  Que cachent ces contraintes  imposées à la plage et cette attitude de confrontation avec les citoyens ?  La réponse se terre sans doute dans des plans et des intentions qui ne nous sont pas encore connus. Ou pire, dans un malfonctionnement de notre administration municipale où les élus ne sont plus à l’écoute de leur commettants mais les porte-voix d’une direction générale obnubilée par la sécurité et omniprésente dans les décisions politiques. 

Pour terminer, il est aussi important de rappeler que ce problème vécu localement et durement par notre communauté de quelque 600 habitants, pose de façon plus globale, l’accès aux rives de ce magnifique lac Massawippi et les autorités devraient en tenir compte lorsqu’elles impriment à chaque année le compte de taxes des contribuables. Et il pose le problème plus largement pour tout autres plans d’eau qui souffrent de la privatisation de ses rives. 

Vincent Ranallo


Les opinions exprimées sur ce site Web reflètent celles de leurs auteurs. L’espace est offert à titre de service à la communauté et FANHCA, ses administrateurs et son hébergeur ne peuvent en aucun cas être tenus responsables des opinions qui y sont émises.

Running A Village Like A Primary School…

The situation we are presently experiencing in relation to the management of the public beach continues to amaze, to exasperate even. Since this spring, the municipal administration seems to have decided to substitute itself, in a coercive and paternalistic way, for its adult and mature citizens and their personal sense of responsibility regarding safety at the beach. In recent months, the administration has become more and more authoritarian, to the point of removing an association of volunteers that had been managing the beach for 50 years.

From the very beginning responsible adults were entrusted with the preservation and management of the beach and the organization of water activities. 

At a certain point, the beach was fenced off. By whom and why? Some volunteers from the recreational society have reminded us that the purpose of the fence was to protect children from street traffic or to prevent cars from being too close to the beach. Whatever the reason, the fence has gates, which, in the past, remained open to all adults who needed access to the lake, either for their physical and mental well-being, or for picnics. 

Recently, this fence has formed a barricade, restricting access and ensuring that users have paid the required fees. There is no longer the possibility for people, including residents, to have access to the beach outside the summer months and hours determined by the municipal authorities. 

It is worth remembering that the recreational society, responsible for the beach for 50 years, managed it without incident during all that time. It lost management of the beach when an understanding could not be reached with the municipality on new rules relating to security and pricing, rules the society considered unacceptable but which the municipality stated were non-negotiable. The administration of the town refers ad nauseam to restrictions imposed by the insurer. However, what follows is an excerpt from what the insurer actually stated in an email to the village on May 10, 2018, obtained by Paul St-Pierre:

Hello Mr. Bélisle, 

“As discussed over the phone, there is no requirement to fence off a site near a beach. However, the municipality should verify and analyze why it had fenced off the site at one time, for what reasons. 

“If the municipality decides to remove the fence or to leave the gate open, it should put in place the means to protect the municipality in a context where people could bathe outside the hours of supervised swimming. It should prohibit swimming outside the hours during which there is supervision and properly inform the public of this. Among the means of informing the public, we would advise you to act preventively by publishing press releases in local newspapers, on your website and in tourist brochures.”

This clearly demonstrates that the insurers are proposing a way for the municipality to act that does not involve or require coercive action to insure security. Rather, it provides simple and sensible ways in which the municipality can comply with its obligation to maintain a safe environment, regardless of whether or not there is a fence. There are other examples in Quebec, of notices, instructions or recommendations that release municipal governments from any responsibility “outside the hours when children generally require additional supervision to that of their parents.”

The stubbornness on the part of the town administration relates more to an attitude that considers citizens too immature to be able to look after themselves. As if they were students in a school or functionally-dependent people in a home! Worse still, citizens can be lied to and, in the end – or so this administration seems to believe – they will calm down and keep quiet. This is insulting! 

Two sessions of Council did not provide answers to the questions and objections raised by a large number of citizens who are more and more offended by the situation. Always the same objection from the mayor, the only one who responds to questions and objections: no other choice, it’s because of the insurance company and the government! We all understand that this is not true and that the municipality has known for more than a month now that this is not true. So why still blame this policy on the insurance company? What is behind taking the beach out of the hands of the volunteers? What is behind these limits placed on the use of the beach and this confrontational attitude towards citizens? The answer most likely lies in plans and intentions that are not yet known to us. Or worse still, in a poorly-functioning municipal administration in which elected officials are no longer listening to their constituents but are merely the mouthpieces of a town management obsessed with security and taking an active role in what are political decisions. 

In conclusion, it is important to remember that this difficult problem our community of some 600 inhabitants is presently facing poses in a more general way the question of access to the shores of our magnificent lake, Lake Massawippi. The authorities should take this into account when they establish the tax bills each year. And it poses the more general problem of all other bodies of water whose shores have suffered the effects of privatization. 

Vincent Ranallo , Citizen

Translation by Paul St-Pierre

The opinions expressed on this website are those of their authors. Space on the website is provided as a service to the community and FANHCA, its administrators and host cannot be held responsible for any of the opinions expressed thereon.

Running a Village like a Primary School … 

The situation we are presently experiencing in relation to the management of the public beach continues to amaze, to exasperate even. Since this spring, the municipal administration seems to have decided to substitute itself, in a coercive and paternalistic way, for its adult and mature citizens and their personal sense of responsibility regarding safety at the beach. In recent months, the administration has become more and more authoritarian, to the point of removing an association of volunteers that had been managing the beach for 50 years.

From the very beginning responsible adults were entrusted with the preservation and management of the beach and the organization of water activities. 

At a certain point, the beach was fenced off. By whom and why? Some volunteers from the recreational society have reminded us that the purpose of the fence was to protect children from street traffic or to prevent cars from being too close to the beach. Whatever the reason, the fence has gates, which, in the past, remained open to all adults who needed access to the lake, either for their physical and mental well-being, or for picnics. 

Recently, this fence has formed a barricade, restricting access and ensuring that users have paid the required fees. There is no longer the possibility for people, including residents, to have access to the beach outside the summer months and hours determined by the municipal authorities. 

It is worth remembering that the recreational society, responsible for the beach for 50 years, managed it without incident during all that time. It lost management of the beach when an understanding could not be reached with the municipality on new rules relating to security and pricing, rules the society considered unacceptable but which the municipality stated were non-negotiable. The administration of the town refers ad nauseam to restrictions imposed by the insurer. However, what follows is an excerpt from what the insurer actually stated in an email to the village on May 10, 2018, obtained by Paul St-Pierre:

Hello Mr. Bélisle, 

“As discussed over the phone, there is no requirement to fence off a site near a beach. However, the municipality should verify and analyze why it had fenced off the site at one time, for what reasons. 

“If the municipality decides to remove the fence or to leave the gate open, it should put in place the means to protect the municipality in a context where people could bathe outside the hours of supervised swimming. It should prohibit swimming outside the hours during which there is supervision and properly inform the public of this. Among the means of informing the public, we would advise you to act preventively by publishing press releases in local newspapers, on your website and in tourist brochures.”

This clearly demonstrates that the insurers are proposing a way for the municipality to act that does not involve or require coercive action to insure security. Rather, it provides simple and sensible ways in which the municipality can comply with its obligation to maintain a safe environment, regardless of whether or not there is a fence. There are other examples in Quebec, of notices, instructions or recommendations that release municipal governments from any responsibility “outside the hours when children generally require additional supervision to that of their parents.”

The stubbornness on the part of the town administration relates more to an attitude that considers citizens too immature to be able to look after themselves. As if they were students in a school or functionally-dependent people in a home! Worse still, citizens can be lied to and, in the end – or so this administration seems to believe – they will calm down and keep quiet. This is insulting! 

Two sessions of Council did not provide answers to the questions and objections raised by a large number of citizens who are more and more offended by the situation. Always the same objection from the mayor, the only one who responds to questions and objections: no other choice, it’s because of the insurance company and the government! We all understand that this is not true and that the municipality has known for more than a month now that this is not true. So why still blame this policy on the insurance company? What is behind taking the beach out of the hands of the volunteers? What is behind these limits placed on the use of the beach and this confrontational attitude towards citizens? The answer most likely lies in plans and intentions that are not yet known to us. Or worse still, in a poorly-functioning municipal administration in which elected officials are no longer listening to their constituents but are merely the mouthpieces of a town management obsessed with security and taking an active role in what are political decisions. 

In conclusion, it is important to remember that this difficult problem our community of some 600 inhabitants is presently facing poses in a more general way the question of access to the shores of our magnificent lake, Lake Massawippi. The authorities should take this into account when they establish the tax bills each year. And it poses the more general problem of all other bodies of water whose shores have suffered the effects of privatization. 

Vincent Ranallo , Citizen

Translation by Paul St-Pierre

The opinions expressed on this website are those of their authors. Space on the website is provided as a service to the community and FANHCA, its administrators and host cannot be held responsible for any of the opinions expressed thereon.

la voix du village the voice of the village