11 May 2017
To the editor:
Given the severe flooding presently taking place near and around Montreal and in western Québec, with the Townships spared this time only through a quirk in the flow of the jet stream, it makes absolutely no sense for the MRC de Memphrémagog to be considering approving residential and commercial construction in a known, identified flood zone in North Hatley.
A representative of the Ministry of the Environment has repeatedly stated that it is certain the area in North Hatley under consideration for development will flood – the question is when, how often, how badly, and not if. Why then is the possibility of construction in this area still under consideration, in particular in the parts of the zone where the most severe flooding, with the highest velocity in the flow of water, will occur?
We need to take our heads out of the sand and understand what is happening more and more often, the risks involved, and the enormous expense for the public purse. Why knowingly increase these? There are other areas in North Hatley that can be developed – let’s stick to those.
Paul St-Pierre