Put your rubber boots back on, Mr Couillard
The Memphrémagog MRC has just adopted a by-law which will allow North Hatley to make a major development in a high current flood zone (0-20 years); only 4 weeks after the disaster that struck 261 municipalities in Quebec. Should we be surprised? No.
While the flooding was at its worst, Mr Couillard, his rubber boots on, was pleading that people stay in their houses for ever. Millions of dollars were made available. That is all very well. We acknowledge that we are collectively responsible for past mistakes. However, didn’t our Premier declare we must learn from those mistakes and rethink, as a society, our vision of development in flood zone areas?
Is the MRC to blame for going forward? No. The MRC is simply playing its role as an MRC. In addition, Mayors will note five ministries have studied the case. None of these mayors feel like they have the right to take this opportunity away from North Hatley. They will emphasize that North Hatley has choice. They are right.
Will North Hatley adopt the project? Surely. The MRC gave the town the right to do it. North Hatley plays its role as a municipality. North Hatley is in critical need of tax revenue.
Then, the developer will be blamed. ‘Unthinkable’ say many, ‘that he still believes in building there.’ Wrong. The developer plays his role as a developer. Five years ago, he was told all this was possible. He was required to supply dozens of expert reports. He invested. He believes in it. If there is blame, it shouldn’t fall on him.
Then who? Who will be responsible in 5 or 10 years when millions of dollars will be needed for funding flood victims?
The North Hatley project is based on Art. 5.3 of Protection of Shoreline Littoral and Food Zones Policy (Politique de protection des rives, du littoral et des plaines inondables). To meet the mandatory target of urban density (75%), the authorities, like magic, excluded parks and parking from their calculations. That is the way to authorize over 200 new households in a flood area for a municipality who doesn’t even count 700 permanent residents.
North Hatley is one example out of so many others. All the local administrations are caught under the stranglehold of economic development ; they sincerely believe they must grow and expand.
The flood zone’s future belongs neither to North Hatley nor to the Memphrémagog MRC. It belongs to you, Mister Premier, to put your rubber boots back on and decree a moratorium on all such projects. Then, we will feel this Symposium, recently announced for next Fall, will lead toward a real vision for the future.
Michel Clairoux, President, Everblue Massawippi; Robert Benoit, President, Memphrémagog Conservation Inc.
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