photo courtesy of Vincent Ranallo
C’est avec courage et dignité que Brian Merrett s’est éteint paisiblement chez lui le 21 septembre, entouré d’une famille aimante.
C’est donc avec une profonde tristesse que je partage les nouvelles ci-dessus concernant notre rédacteur en chef émérite Brian Merrett. Brian a pris sa retraite en juillet après 9 ans de gestion du site web de la FANHCA. Il a été honoré par la mairesse pour sa contribution à la communauté lors des célébrations du 125e anniversaire de North Hatley au mois d’août. Il manquera beaucoup à tous ceux qui l’ont connu. Repose en paix Brian.
Brian Merrett, with courage and grace, died peacefully at home on September 21st, surrounded by loving family.
It is with deep sadness that I share the above news regarding our Editor Emeritus Brian Merrett. Brian retired in July after 9 years of managing the FANHCA website. He was honored by the mayor for his contribution to the community at the celebration of the 125th anniversary of North Hatley in August. He will be very much missed by all who knew him. Rest in Peace Brian.
Brian Merrett was a very good man who radiated grace and integrity. He stood tall for his community. He walked the walk until he couldn’t walk anymore. He is, and will be, sorely missed.
The passing of Brian leaves a huge hole in our hearts and in our community. I met Brian in the early 2000s when I was recruiting new members and raising funds for the local Green Party Association. We discovered that we were both long-time members of the Green Party and shared a lot of common values and interests.
Over the years, he has worked indefatigably to protect North Hatley’s very special environment and to preserve its rich architectural identity. He loved this village and participated in many different committees and projects aimed at preserving its beauty and making it a better and healthier place to live.
Brian ended his comments on COP 15 (FANHCA, December 2022) with the wish: “Let us make 2023 our climate-conscious turning point. Let us become huge helpers of our planet”. I very much hope we can discover and adopt some of the many ways in which we can become huge helpers of our planet.
I also fervently hope we can pitch in to keep this community newsletter vibrant, pertinent and sometimes provocative. It is a tribute to Brian and one of his fine legacies to North Hatley and its many friends.
Wonderful thoughts.