Letter to M. David Heurtel, ministre, from Robert Richardson

January 14, 2017
Monsieur David Heurtel, ministre
Dévelopement durable, Environnement et Lutte contre
les changements climatiques.
After careful consideration and study my concerns for this project lead me to believe that this project is high risk that it will lead to extremely high insurance costs and fail; leaving the town in dire straits if this development proceeds in the current state.
Concerns: Management Plan for the Massawippi River Flood Zone – Village of North Hatley
1. The plan seems to be based on 20 and 100-year flood plains which don’t exist anymore – everything is now 5 year and zoned accordingly.  The risk being; it would now flood every 2 years out of five and the history of the river would confirm this.
2. The plan is to be built on a site that had 2 gas stations and a marina on or encroaching the site. It doesn’t appear that soil samples have been taken to determine a level of contamination; gas station remediation sites can put a 5-year halt on construction after soil remediation in some provinces.
3. Are municipal bylaws on height restrictions (3 floors) still in place that prevented a building of 27 stories in 1970?
4. The current capacity of infrastructure and at what cost to accommodate development with water and sewage aren’t present.
5. The plan violates current bylaws/conservation guidelines (Protection policy for Lakeshores, Riverbanks, Littoral Zones and Floodplains) that have been developed since the 60’s.
6. Perhaps downsizing the current plan; putting it up on pillars and removing the ground floor for parking which is lacking and re-submitting would be better suited than the current plan.
Addressing the environmental issues of a floodplain, land conservancy and water shed preservation are my concerns with a suitable development plan that does not put the municipality of North Hatley at risk!
I would be grateful if you were to take these considerations into account in your opinion on the Management Plan for the Massawippi River Flood Zone – North Hatley Village.
Robert Richardson
c.c. Monsieur Martin Coiteux, ministre, Affaires municipales et Occupation du territoire, Sécurité publique.

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One thought on “Letter to M. David Heurtel, ministre, from Robert Richardson”

  1. Safe guards (municipal bylaws) against developers and real estate speculators. Preventing Foreigners from laundering money and speculators from leaving units vacant and defeating the main purpose of the development in the first place.

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